[xquery-talk] Parse error - please help!

padmapriya ayyagari asn.padmapriya at gmail.com
Wed Dec 1 14:14:48 PST 2004


When I try to execute the following xquery:

declare default function namespace

declare function local:fullpath($node as node()) as xs:string
	 if ($node/..) then concat(name($node), '/', local:fullpath($node/..))
	 else ""


It gives me the following error :

Exception in thread "main" galapi.GalapiException: Failure("Parsing
Error: Parse error in XQuery string [characters 8-24:]")

Similarly for the function below:

declare default function namespace
declare function local:getmypath($e as node()) as xs:string
  concat('/', string-join(for $n in ancestor-or-self::* return name($n), '/'))
Exception in thread "main" galapi.GalapiException: Failure("Parsing
Error: Parse error in XQuery string [characters 8-24:]")

To tbe best of my knowledge, the syntax is in tune with the w3
specifications. Could someone please point out what the error might


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