[xquery-talk] solutions to an Excel XML processing problem

David Carlisle davidc at nag.co.uk
Thu Aug 24 01:51:12 PDT 2006

I just saw Mike posted a solution to this, but here's one using a
recursive function

declare function local:f ($c,$n){
if (exists($c/@i)) then
((for $x in (1 to xs:integer($c/@i - $n -1)) return (<c/>)),
(<c>{$c/node()}</c>,$c/following-sibling::c[1]/local:f(.,$n + 1))
for $r in row

again it uses one of the attributes that is optional in xquery, if your
xquery engine doesn't support it then complain to the vendor (why on
earth these are optional, one can only guess:-)


$ saxon8q -s cells.xml cells.xq
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<row cnt="30">

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