[xquery-talk] restricting search to different nodes

Peter Mueller Peter.Mueller10 at gmx.de
Thu Jan 5 10:56:39 PST 2006

> If the functionality you need is simple you may perhaps get away with  
> using standard regular expressions instead of a real fulltext search.  
> Fulltext search functionality typically varies across XQuery impls,  
> and a standardization attempt is in its infancy.
> For example, with Nux you'd find or generate a string containing the  
> text to be searched. Then apply the non-standard lucene:match(...)  
> function as described in
> http://dsd.lbl.gov/nux/index.html#Google-like%20realtime%20fulltext% 
> 20search%20via%20Apache%20Lucene%20engine

Hello Wolfgang and all!

I am using the open source native xml database eXist which offers
index-based full text search.

My question is whether I can combine for instance the following two queries
into one or if I have to perform to queries and then merge the results?

for $doc in //text/body/abstract &= 'searchTerm' 
return $doc/../..

for $doc in //text/body/metadata1 &= 'searchTerm' 
return $doc/../..

Thank you for your help!

Best wishes,

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