[xquery-talk] contains function problem

Howard Katz howardk at fatdog.com
Sat Jan 7 07:58:15 PST 2006

Note that contains() has several signatures. Your statement:

        where contains( "//Mpeg7:Name/text()", "Moras" )
is asking if the literal string, "//MPeg7:Name/text()", contains the literal
text, "Moras". It doesn't. What you want is the statement:
        where contains( //Mpeg7:Name/text(), "Moras" )


From: talk-bounces at xquery.com [mailto:talk-bounces at xquery.com] On Behalf Of
Manolis Mylonakis
Sent: January 7, 2006 6:18 AM
To: talk at xquery.com
Subject: [xquery-talk] contains function problem

i have a problem with 'contains' function of xquery.
I have the following xml file named myPersons.xml
<Mpeg7 xmlns="urn:mpeg:mpeg7:schema:2001"

<Description xsi:type="SemanticDescriptionType">


<AbstractionLevel dimension="0"/>


<Name>Soccer Agent Example</Name>






<SemanticBase xsi:type="AgentObjectType" id="Moras">

<AbstractionLevel dimension="0"/>





<FreeTextAnnotation>Vaggelis Moras</FreeTextAnnotation>


<Agent xsi:type="PersonType">


<FamilyName initial="M">Moras</FamilyName>




<Email>players at aekfc.gr</Email>






<AbstractionLevel dimension="0"/>


<Name>Soccer Agent Example</Name>



<Name>teacher </Name>

<Definition>university teacher</Definition>


<SemanticBase xsi:type="AgentObjectType" id="Moras">

<AbstractionLevel dimension="0"/>





<FreeTextAnnotation>Apostolos Dolas</FreeTextAnnotation>


<Agent xsi:type="PersonType">


<FamilyName initial="M">Dolas</FamilyName>




<Email>dol at mymail.gr</Email>












I ask for the email address for a person who has a <Name> as Moras for

my xquery is the following:


xquery version "1.0";

declare namespace Mpeg7="urn:mpeg:mpeg7:schema:2001";

for $x in doc("myPersons.xml")//Mpeg7:Semantics

where contains("//Mpeg7:Name/text()","Moras")

return $x//Email



none results returned


what is my fault?








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