[xquery-talk] Doing some Pattern Frequency Distribution

Kusunam, Srinivas SKusunam at rlpt.com
Thu Jun 8 14:22:13 PDT 2006

Thanks for the reply Andrew. This is just one of the list of things I am
trying achieve using XQuery.

I have a requirement to get Count, Blank Count, Max Length, Frequency
Distribution and Pattern Frequency Distribution on some of the elements
in an XML which can go up to a size of 5GB. With my initial reading on
XSLT and XQuery I felt XQuery is a best candidate for this. As you
suggested using XSLT for "Pattern Frequency Distribution (PFD)" I need
to change the whole solution from XQuery to XSLT. I gave Phone number as
simple example I might need to get PFD on Address, ZIP and literally on
element type.

What do you guys suggest? 

** Count, Blank Count, Max Length, Frequency Distribution seems to be
working fine on a XML file size of 1.5GB using Data Direct and also


-----Original Message-----
From: andrew welch [mailto:andrew.j.welch at gmail.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 07, 2006 4:02 PM
To: Kusunam, Srinivas
Subject: Re: [xquery-talk] Doing some Pattern Frequency Distribution

On 6/7/06, Kusunam, Srinivas <SKusunam at rlpt.com> wrote:
> I have a requirement to find out the pattern frequency distribution of
> some of the elements say Phone number.
> Here is the example
> <DOC>
>         <ELEMENT>
>                 <PHONE>123-456-7890 </PHONE>
>         </ELEMENT>
>         <ELEMENT>
>                 <PHONE>123-456-7899 </PHONE>
>         </ELEMENT>
>         <ELEMENT>
>                 <PHONE>123.456.7890 </PHONE>
>         </ELEMENT>
>         <ELEMENT>
>                 <PHONE>(123)456-7890 </PHONE>
>         </ELEMENT>
> </DOC>
> Output should be something like this:
>         Pattern: 999-999-9999   count:2
>         Pattern: 999.999.9999   count:1
>         Pattern: (999)999-9999  count:1
> Is it possible to achieve this using XQuery? If yes how do we do this?
> Any pointers or suggestions are welcome.

This can be achieved in XQuery, but the grouping facility of XSLT 2.0
makes it easier:

<xsl:stylesheet version="2.0"

<xsl:variable name="zeroToNine" select="'0123456789'"/>

<xsl:template match="/">
  <xsl:for-each-group select="//PHONE"
                                   group-by="translate(., $zeroToNine,
  <xsl:value-of select="concat('Pattern: ',
                                          current-grouping-key(), '
count: ',
'&#xa;' )"/>


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