[xquery-talk] XML Query Test Suite version 0.9.4

David Carlisle davidc at nag.co.uk
Wed Jun 14 02:08:33 PDT 2006

I've updated the xq2xsl results at the usual place

which claims that my results are

Minimal Conformance                     14237 / 207 / 14523 
Optional Features       
    Schema Import Feature                0 / 0 / 38 
    Schema Validation Feature            0 / 0 / 30 
    Static Typing Feature                0 / 0 / 45 
    Full Axis Feature                    130 / 0 / 130 
    Module Feature                       26 / 5 / 31 
    Trivial XML Embedding Feature        2 / 2 / 4 

> We request that submittors re-read our guidelines if they have not done so 
> recently and  follow the guidelines for the transformation of queries and 
> for the comparison of results as closely as possible. 

Hmm bit to much to change today, and I wanted to get this out before xml
prague at the weekend:-)
Main things I do "wrong" are normalising  white space but mainly this is
correcting errors in the supplied result files
I think that these need to be fixed before you can really ask people not
to fix up white space before reporting results.

Other thing I do is count a pass if an error is reported when an error
is expected even if codes are different.  I'll change this at some time
before the 1.0 release, but I've not done so so far as it makes the
results a bit less useful to me, I mainly run the suite to test my
implementation and I don't want to test the error codes as i (curently)
have no control over them, errors are raised by the underlying system
(XSLT in my case). I'll see, I may just fail these tests if the code is
different from the XSLT code, or I may try to trap the errors and
translate the codes.


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