[xquery-talk] navigating in xml file

fatma helmy fatmahelmy2000 at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 20 09:26:15 PDT 2006

how to navigate in an xml file breadth then depth
based on node frequency.
let $j:= <doc>
             <a> <c> </c>  
             <a>`<c> </c>  
             <a> <d> </d>  
             <f> <c> </c>  
             <f>`<c> </c>  
             <f> <d> </d>  


i need to get all distinct decsendat nodes of head and
count their frequency and choose those with frequency
greater than cretain ratio, a,f is repeated 3 times
relative to head while b is reapeated only once so i
will trim b bracnh and take a , f branch individually
and then get distinct desendant of a , we will find c
repeated twice relative to a, while d is repated only
one , so i will go through c branch , and so for f as

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