[xquery-talk] attribute names and their distinct values

fatma helmy fatmahelmy2000 at yahoo.com
Thu May 25 01:03:31 PDT 2006

regarding my xquery
declare function local:pathOfNode($node) 
{if(empty($node/..)) then "" else
concat(local:pathOfNode($node/..), "/",
let $j:= doc("try.XML") 

let $paths := for $n in $j//* return

for $p in distinct-values($paths) 
let $papa:= replace($p,'/[^/]*$','') 
let $leafs :=$j//text()[normalize-space()]
eq substring-after(string($p),"/") ] 

{string( round( count($paths[.=$p]) div
count($paths[.=$papa]) * 100 ) )} 
{for $val in  distinct-values( $leafs) 
let $kval := normalize-space($val) 
return <value-per-path value='{$kval}' 
count='{count($leafs[. eq  $kval ])}'/>} 

can i get the name of all attributes in each path $p
and get the count of their distint values to produce
it as the summary produced on leaf nodes

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