[xquery-talk] XPath parser in Java

Jonathan Robie jonathan.robie at datadirect.com
Tue Oct 10 06:45:10 PDT 2006

David Carlisle wrote:
>> Rather, I want the XPath parser to return an array or a
>> list or tree or anything where I can traverse step by step.
> There are xpath and xquery java parsers available from the working group
> pages (maintained by Scott Boag, mainly)
> http://www.w3.org/2005/qt-applets/xqueryApplet.html
> This builds an in memory tree of the expression with methods to dump it
> as indented text or as XML.
> I use it as the parser for xq2xml
> http://monet.nag.co.uk/xq2xml/index.html

These parsers are kept up to date with the latest drafts of XPath 2.0 
and XQuery 1.0, and the text description in the specifications is 
generated from the same grammar as the parser, all the examples in the 
specifications (including the use cases) are tested with them, and they 
have had wide review. So there are real advantages to using them. Unless 
you need an XPath 1.0 parser.


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