[xquery-talk] Xquery+ reduce two docs into one

James A. Robinson jim.robinson at stanford.edu
Fri Jan 12 20:52:10 PST 2007

> Actually I am very sorry, if it was not so clear what I wanted to
> achieve with my query. Maybe it was a big mistake not to post the
> whole docs.

Ah, ok. Yes, I totally misunderstood what you wanted.  As before,
David provided a very concise solution (which reproduces exactly what
you posted).  Trying to work in the new logic with my previous example,
I modified it thusly (and found myself missing XSLT key and for-each-group

declare namespace f="uri.local-functions";

(: simulate a DB where we have a collection() function and indicies :)
declare function f:collection() {
  (doc("sebi-1.xml"), doc("sebi-2.xml"))

(: input meta set :)
let $metadata := f:collection()/*/meta

(: for each file referenced across all docs, build indiv :)
let $indiv  := (
  for $f in distinct-values($metadata/FileName)
  return (
    let $m := $metadata[FileName = $f]
    where (count($m) = count(f:collection()))
    return (
         for $v in $m/*[not(self::FileName)]
         order by xs:integer(substring(local-name($v), 6))
         return (
         ), <FileName>{$f}</FileName>}</meta>

(: merge indiv by key constructed from Value data (I want xsl keys!) :)
let $merged := (
  for $key in distinct-values(
                for $m in $indiv
                return string-join($m/*[not(self::FileName)], ':')
  return (
    let $set := $indiv[$key = string-join(./*[not(self::FileName)], ':')]
      <meta>{$set[1]/*[not(self::FileName)], $set/FileName}</meta>

(: return merged sets sorted by first FileName in merged :)
return (
    for $meta in $merged
    order by xs:integer(substring(xs:string($meta/FileName[1]), 5))
    return $meta




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James A. Robinson                       jim.robinson at stanford.edu
Stanford University HighWire Press      http://highwire.stanford.edu/
+1 650 7237294 (Work)                   +1 650 7259335 (Fax)

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