[xquery-talk] Problem with SubFlowr-Expr

florianwendland at freenet.de florianwendland at freenet.de
Fri May 11 02:27:56 PDT 2007

Hi all,
I have some wierd problems with a xquery syntax. The query lokks like this:

declare variable $book external;
declare variable $books external;

	for $bid in $book/books/book
	let $b := $books/Import/Row
				for $a in $b[xs:integer(./id/text()) eq xs:integer($bid/id/text())]
					<review>This is the Error</review>

The Query could not be parsed, because after the element description, in 
the subflowr, the parser expects an }. I didn't know, what ist wrong 
with it! Can anyone help me? I would be grateful!


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