[xquery-talk] Multiple computed attributes in Saxon 8.9

John Snelson john.snelson at oracle.com
Tue May 15 17:04:51 PDT 2007

Hi Claus,

Interestingly, this exact situation has come up a number of times 
recently on this mailing list. You are having problems with operator 
precedence - and need to enclose all of your attribute constructors in 
parentheses for them to be treated as part of the return expression.


Claus wrote:
> Hi list,
> I'm using Saxon and I get the following error that puzzles me:
> Error on line 33 column 37 of file:/c:/work/pue-get-vehicle.xq:
>  XPST0008: XQuery static error in #...ute pg {data($pg/v:Description#:
>    Variable $pg has not been declared
> Static error(s) in query
> Here is part of the source where the error occurs - line #33 in the error
> message is line #14 below:
> [...]
> 1 <models>
> 2   {
> 3     for $model in 
> doc("pue_current/pue-vehicleModelList.xml")//v:VehicleModel
> 4     let $br :=
> doc("pue_current/pue-stamm-br.xml")//v:Series[@ID=$model/@SeriesID]
> 5     where some $modelbm in $model/v:DesignNumber satisfies
> ($modelbm/@ID = $bm/@ID)part of the source where the error occurs - line #33 in the error
message is line #14 below:

> 6     return
> 7     <vehiclemodel>
> 8       {
> 9         (: TODO: make use of WHC and Plant attributes as well :)
> 10         let $pg :=
> doc("pue_current/pue-stamm-prod.xml")//v:ProductGroup[@ID=$br/@ProductGroupID] 
> 11         let $brand :=
> doc("pue_current/pue-stamm-marken.xml")//v:Brand[@ID=$br/@BrandID]
> 12         return
> 13           attribute brand {data($brand/v:Description[@language="deu"])},
> 14           attribute pg {data($pg/v:Description[@language="deu"])},
> 15           attribute series {data($br/v:Description[@language="deu"])}
> 16       }
> 17     </vehiclemodel>
> 18   }
> 19 </models>
> [...]
> What really irritates me is that I can resolve the error by either deleting
> line #14 (which seems reasonable) *or* by deleting line #13 (!!).
> The error message says I haven't declared variable $pg, but I thought I did
> in line #10. Removing line #14 obviously works, but so does removing line
> #13. Looks like XQuery won't allow me to have more than two computed
> attributes following each other.
> What am I missing here?
> Thanks,
> Claus
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