[xquery-talk] Retrieving Sub Nodes

Wei, Alice J. ajwei at indiana.edu
Mon Feb 18 12:51:39 PST 2008

Hi, XQueriers:

   I hope the subject line would kind of explain what I wanted to do. My source code is as follows:

                <title>My Collection</title>
                        <title level="journal">My Journal</title>
                        <idno type="volume"> 1 </idno>
                        <idno type="issue"> 1 </idno>
                    <head>Be Taller</head>
                    <p>If you wish to know the facts about HEIGHT INCREASE, send 35c for details to
                            <addressLine>232 W. Front St.</addressLine>
                            <addressLine>Napoleon, Ohio 42345</addressLine>
                    <note>Dept. NA</note>
                    <head type="main">FREE POWERFUL MUSCLES FAST</head>
                    <head type="sub">FREE</head>
                    <p>Fantastic mew discoveries in the science of body-building. Our method will
                        add inches of powerful muscles to arms, chest, shoulders &amp; legs.
                        Learn secrets on trimming the waist with ultra-modern methods—fast! Results
                        guaranteed! Send for free brochure. Send dime for postage and handling.
                            <addressLine>Universal Bodybuilding</addressLine>
                            <addressLine>Box 485</addressLine>
                            <addressLine>Dearborn, Michigan 48121</addressLine>
                    <note>Dept. P</note>

My Current XQuery:

let $ad := fn:collection("xmldb:exist://db/cbml")
let $journal := $ad//seriesStmt/title[@level='journal'][1]
let $ad2 := $ad//ad
let $ad3 := $ad2/p/address[contains(upper-case(.), 'MUSCLE')]
let $sorted_result:=
for $doc in distinct-values($ad3)
order by $doc
return $doc
for $r at $count in $sorted_result
let $nodes := $ad2[. = $r][1]
let $seriesStmt:=$nodes/ancestor::cbml//seriesStmt
let $pb := $nodes/ancestor::cbml//pb[1]
Showing Result: {$count} / {count($sorted_result)}
<publication_information>Volume {data($seriesStmt/idno[@type='volume'][1])},
Issue {data($seriesStmt/idno[@type='issue'][1])}</publication_information>
<information>Source from page {$pb}</information>

This brings back the accurate result number, but there is no information within the nodes.

If I change the let $sorted-result to

let $sorted_result:=
for $doc in $ad2
where $ad2/p/address[contains(upper-case(.), 'MAX SEELEY')]
order by $doc
return $doc

the result does not bring back anything due to processing time out reasons.
Have I missed something here to extract the following?

The desired output:

<statistics> Showing Result: 1 / 1</statistics>
<journal>My Collection</journal>
<publication_information>Volume 1 , Issue 1 </publication_information>
                          <head type="main">FREE POWERFUL MUSCLES FAST</head>
                    <head type="sub">FREE</head>
                    <p>Fantastic mew discoveries in the science of body-building. Our method will
                        add inches of powerful muscles to arms, chest, shoulders &amp; legs.
                        Learn secrets on trimming the waist with ultra-modern methods—fast! Results
                        guaranteed! Send for free brochure. Send dime for postage and handling.
                            <addressLine>Universal Bodybuilding</addressLine>
                            <addressLine>Box 485</addressLine>
                            <addressLine>Dearborn, Michigan 48121</addressLine>
                    <note>Dept. P</note>

Any hint is appreciated.
Alice Wei
MIS 2008
School of Library and Information Science
Indiana University Bloomington
ajwei at indiana.edu

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