[xquery-talk] XML to TEXT OUTPUT with xQUERY

Michael Kay mike at saxonica.com
Tue Dec 7 09:43:04 PST 2010

On 07/12/2010 09:29, Julio de la Vega wrote:
> Hi *,
> I havemodifiedmyxQuery andIamclosetogetwhatI need but I still have 
> aproblem.My engineonly returnstheinformationfromthefirstmetadata.Any 
> idea?I think it can be a bug of the enginebecauseI d o not see any 
> issue in my development, in fact ifIrun it under a different xQuery 
> engine, it works. Doyou have a different alternative to my 
> developmentto see if it works under my engine?

It might be that your XQuery engine has its own conventions for how to 
return the result of a query when the result is a sequence of strings. 
You don't say which engine it is, or what API you are using; it's 
possible that it's following the convention of some XPath 1.0 APIs which 
only output the first item in a sequence of results.

If you can't find any API switch or similar to change the way your 
XQuery engine returns its results, you could change the query so that it 
concatenates all the strings into a single string (by means of another 
call on string-join(), applied to the sequence of strings that the 
current query returns). If that doesn't work, then it really is a bug in 
the XQuery engine, and it's time to choose a different engine.

Michael Kay
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