[xquery-talk] FLWOR in XSLT 2.0?

Evan Lenz Evan.Lenz at marklogic.com
Thu Dec 1 07:10:55 PST 2011

It's the XPath subset of XQuery, which supports "for" expressions but not full FLWOR statements, to the sometime consternation of XSLT developers (e.g. having to switch to <xsl:for-each> and <xsl:variable> when all you really wanted was "let").


On Dec 1, 2011, at 7:03 AM, "Geert Josten" <geert.josten at dayon.nl<mailto:geert.josten at dayon.nl>> wrote:

Funny, I always thought the FLWOR was an XQuery only thing...

<xsl:stylesheet version="2.0"
<xsl:output omit-xml-declaration="yes" indent="yes"/>
<xsl:strip-space elements="*"/>

<xsl:template match="/">
  <xsl:sequence select=
  "(for $m in max(for $n in distinct-values(/*/b:book/(b:author |
                                           /b:name/concat(b:fname, '|',
                  $cnt in count(/*/b:book/(b:author | b:editor)
                                /b:name[$n eq concat(b:fname, '|',
b:lname) ])


(Looks quite horrible to me, like someone couldn't decide between XQuery
and XSLT.. :-/)


drs. G.P.H. (Geert) Josten
Senior Developer

Dayon B.V.
Delftechpark 37b
2628 XJ Delft

T +31 (0)88 26 82 570

geert.josten at dayon.nl<mailto:geert.josten at dayon.nl>

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