[xquery-talk] Namespace from prefix ?

Leo Studer leo.studer at varioweb.ch
Fri Oct 7 03:35:41 PDT 2016


working with namespaces in xQuery Update I have the following situation

declare namespace  fc ="fitnesscenter.ch";

let $member := doc('FitnessCenter.xml')//fc:Member
    delete node $member/@Level,
    insert node element {QName("fitnesscenter.ch",name($member/@Level))} {data($member/@Level)}
        as first into $member

on the XML file

<FitnessCenter xmlns="fitnesscenter.ch">
    <Member Level="platinum">

which works as it should. However, I don’t like to rewrite the namespace in the QName function.
How can I use the declared namespace?

Thanks in advance
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