[xquery-talk] Sequence from String-Literal

florianwendland at freenet.de florianwendland at freenet.de
Fri May 11 11:08:56 PDT 2007

Hallo all,

thanks for the answer before. Now I have an other problem. I want to 
pass a string lietral <a><b>Hello</b></a> to a xquery variable, and 
during the process, I want to convert the literal into a sequence, so 
that for-Expression can iterate over it.

I tried with

	document{ $literal }

but that doesn't work. (Don't ask, I thought, that I read this somewhere 
in a xquery book).

Backgrounf for this approach is passing a string to a eXIst 
XQueryService. There, it is not possible to pass a whole DOM-Object or 
something else. SO I want to fill the variable with a string (in xml 
strcuture) and than convert it into a sequence.

Is that possible?

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