June 2015 Archives by subject
Starting: Mon Jun 1 09:57:23 PDT 2015
Ending: Sun Jun 28 12:07:43 PDT 2015
Messages: 216
- [xquery-talk] [show xqt] A modern data warehouse, open source, written in JSONiq
William Candillon
- [xquery-talk] [show xqt] JSONiq and XQuery Development Tools
William Candillon
- [xquery-talk] [show xqt] JSONiq and XQuery Development Tools
Adam Retter
- [xquery-talk] [show xqt] JSONiq and XQuery Development Tools
daniela florescu
- [xquery-talk] [show xqt] JSONiq and XQuery Development Tools
Adam Retter
- [xquery-talk] [show xqt] JSONiq and XQuery Development Tools
daniela florescu
- [xquery-talk] [show xqt] JSONiq and XQuery Development Tools
Christian Grün
- [xquery-talk] actually, nobody KNOWS about XQuery ....
daniela florescu
- [xquery-talk] actually, nobody KNOWS about XQuery ....
Ihe Onwuka
- [xquery-talk] adding comprehension to imperative languages or vice-versa
daniela florescu
- [xquery-talk] adding comprehension to imperative languages or vice-versa
Pavel Minaev
- [xquery-talk] adding comprehension to imperative languages or vice-versa
daniela florescu
- [xquery-talk] adding comprehension to imperative languages or vice-versa
Ihe Onwuka
- [xquery-talk] adding comprehension to imperative languages or vice-versa
daniela florescu
- [xquery-talk] adding comprehension to imperative languages or vice-versa
Ihe Onwuka
- [xquery-talk] adding comprehension to imperative languages or vice-versa
Pavel Minaev
- [xquery-talk] adding comprehension to imperative languages or vice-versa
Ihe Onwuka
- [xquery-talk] adding comprehension to imperative languages or vice-versa
Ihe Onwuka
- [xquery-talk] adding comprehension to imperative languages or vice-versa
Pavel Velikhov
- [xquery-talk] Aggressivity and the Database Bubble WASRe: Linkedin humor for the weekend (2)
daniela florescu
- [xquery-talk] Aggressivity and the Database Bubble WASRe: Linkedin humor for the weekend (2)
Pavel Velikhov
- [xquery-talk] Aggressivity and the Database Bubble WASRe: Linkedin humor for the weekend (2)
daniela florescu
- [xquery-talk] Aggressivity and the Database Bubble WASRe: Linkedin humor for the weekend (2)
Ihe Onwuka
- [xquery-talk] Aggressivity and the Database Bubble WASRe: Linkedin humor for the weekend (2)
Ihe Onwuka
- [xquery-talk] Aggressivity and the Database Bubble WASRe: Linkedin humor for the weekend (2)
Pavel Velikhov
- [xquery-talk] Aggressivity and the Database Bubble WASRe: Linkedin humor for the weekend (2)
daniela florescu
- [xquery-talk] Aggressivity and the Database Bubble WASRe: Linkedin humor for the weekend (2)
daniela florescu
- [xquery-talk] Anybody building an XQuery-like processor for JSON in Java?
Pavel Velikhov
- [xquery-talk] digging through the archives ...:-)
daniela florescu
- [xquery-talk] Does XQuery fit anywhere in this landscape.
Ihe Onwuka
- [xquery-talk] Does XQuery fit anywhere in this landscape.
daniela florescu
- [xquery-talk] Does XQuery fit anywhere in this landscape.
Ihe Onwuka
- [xquery-talk] Does XQuery fit anywhere in this landscape.
Pavel Velikhov
- [xquery-talk] Does XQuery fit anywhere in this landscape.
daniela florescu
- [xquery-talk] Does XQuery fit anywhere in this landscape.
Michael Kay
- [xquery-talk] Does XQuery fit anywhere in this landscape.
daniela florescu
- [xquery-talk] Does XQuery fit anywhere in this landscape.
daniela florescu
- [xquery-talk] Does XQuery fit anywhere in this landscape.
daniela florescu
- [xquery-talk] Does XQuery fit anywhere in this landscape.
Ihe Onwuka
- [xquery-talk] Does XQuery fit anywhere in this landscape.
Michael Kay
- [xquery-talk] Does XQuery fit anywhere in this landscape.
Pavel Velikhov
- [xquery-talk] Does XQuery fit anywhere in this landscape.
Ihe Onwuka
- [xquery-talk] Does XQuery fit anywhere in this landscape.
Pavel Velikhov
- [xquery-talk] Does XQuery fit anywhere in this landscape.
Ihe Onwuka
- [xquery-talk] Does XQuery fit anywhere in this landscape.
daniela florescu
- [xquery-talk] Does XQuery fit anywhere in this landscape.
Pavel Velikhov
- [xquery-talk] Does XQuery fit anywhere in this landscape.
Ihe Onwuka
- [xquery-talk] Does XQuery fit anywhere in this landscape.
Ihe Onwuka
- [xquery-talk] ETL for XML !??? Nobody realizes that XML tools even EXIST ....
daniela florescu
- [xquery-talk] ETL for XML !??? Nobody realizes that XML tools even EXIST ....
Ihe Onwuka
- [xquery-talk] functional languages for data processing
daniela florescu
- [xquery-talk] here it comes, yet another version of XQuery and/or JSONiq
daniela florescu
- [xquery-talk] here it comes, yet another version of XQuery and/or JSONiq
Kristian Kankainen
- [xquery-talk] here it comes, yet another version of XQuery and/or JSONiq
Ihe Onwuka
- [xquery-talk] here it comes, yet another version of XQuery and/or JSONiq
Michael Kay
- [xquery-talk] here it comes, yet another version of XQuery and/or JSONiq
Ihe Onwuka
- [xquery-talk] here it comes, yet another version of XQuery and/or JSONiq
Ihe Onwuka
- [xquery-talk] here it comes, yet another version of XQuery and/or JSONiq
daniela florescu
- [xquery-talk] here it comes, yet another version of XQuery and/or JSONiq
daniela florescu
- [xquery-talk] here it comes, yet another version of XQuery and/or JSONiq
Ihe Onwuka
- [xquery-talk] here it comes, yet another version of XQuery and/or JSONiq
daniela florescu
- [xquery-talk] here it comes, yet another version of XQuery and/or JSONiq
daniela florescu
- [xquery-talk] here it comes, yet another version of XQuery and/or JSONiq
Michael Kay
- [xquery-talk] here it comes, yet another version of XQuery and/or JSONiq
daniela florescu
- [xquery-talk] here it comes, yet another version of XQuery and/or JSONiq
Ihe Onwuka
- [xquery-talk] Izzit Bcos I is functional?
Ihe Onwuka
- [xquery-talk] Izzit Bcos I is functional?
Michael Kay
- [xquery-talk] Izzit Bcos I is functional?
Michael Kay
- [xquery-talk] Izzit Bcos I is functional?
James Fuller
- [xquery-talk] Izzit Bcos I is functional?
daniela florescu
- [xquery-talk] Izzit Bcos I is functional?
Ihe Onwuka
- [xquery-talk] Izzit Bcos I is functional?
daniela florescu
- [xquery-talk] Izzit Bcos I is functional?
daniela florescu
- [xquery-talk] Izzit Bcos I is functional?
Ihe Onwuka
- [xquery-talk] Izzit Bcos I is functional?
Ihe Onwuka
- [xquery-talk] Izzit Bcos I is functional?
Michael Kay
- [xquery-talk] Izzit Bcos I is functional?
Ihe Onwuka
- [xquery-talk] Izzit Bcos I is functional?
daniela florescu
- [xquery-talk] Izzit Bcos I is functional?
Ihe Onwuka
- [xquery-talk] Izzit Bcos I is functional?
Michael Kay
- [xquery-talk] Izzit Bcos I is functional?
daniela florescu
- [xquery-talk] Izzit Bcos I is functional?
daniela florescu
- [xquery-talk] Izzit Bcos I is functional?
Ihe Onwuka
- [xquery-talk] Izzit Bcos I is functional?
daniela florescu
- [xquery-talk] Izzit Bcos I is functional?
Ihe Onwuka
- [xquery-talk] Izzit Bcos I is functional?
Michael Kay
- [xquery-talk] Izzit Bcos I is functional?
Ihe Onwuka
- [xquery-talk] Izzit Bcos I is functional?
Ihe Onwuka
- [xquery-talk] Izzit Bcos I is functional?
Pavel Velikhov
- [xquery-talk] Izzit Bcos I is functional?
daniela florescu
- [xquery-talk] Izzit Bcos I is functional?
Ihe Onwuka
- [xquery-talk] Izzit Bcos I is functional?
Ihe Onwuka
- [xquery-talk] Izzit Bcos I is functional?
Ihe Onwuka
- [xquery-talk] Izzit Bcos I is functional?
Ihe Onwuka
- [xquery-talk] Izzit Bcos I is functional?
Ihe Onwuka
- [xquery-talk] Izzit Bcos I is functional?
daniela florescu
- [xquery-talk] Izzit Bcos I is functional?
Ihe Onwuka
- [xquery-talk] Izzit Bcos I is functional?
Jason Hunter
- [xquery-talk] Izzit Bcos I is functional?
daniela florescu
- [xquery-talk] JSON support everywhere....
daniela florescu
- [xquery-talk] Learning this stuff (Re: Izzit Bcos I is functional?)
G. Ken Holman
- [xquery-talk] Learning this stuff (Re: Izzit Bcos I is functional?)
Ihe Onwuka
- [xquery-talk] LinkedIn humor for the weekend (1)
daniela florescu
- [xquery-talk] Linkedin humor for the weekend (2)
daniela florescu
- [xquery-talk] Linkedin humor for the weekend (2)
Michael Kay
- [xquery-talk] Linkedin humor for the weekend (2)
daniela florescu
- [xquery-talk] Linkedin humor for the weekend (2)
Ihe Onwuka
- [xquery-talk] Linkedin humor for the weekend (2)
daniela florescu
- [xquery-talk] Linkedin humor for the weekend (2)
Michael Kay
- [xquery-talk] MarkLogic is reinventing XQuery (AGAIN ! )
daniela florescu
- [xquery-talk] MarkLogic is reinventing XQuery (AGAIN ! )
daniela florescu
- [xquery-talk] MarkLogic is reinventing XQuery (AGAIN ! )
daniela florescu
- [xquery-talk] not sure if I should laugh with big tears or cry with big tears...:-)))))
daniela florescu
- [xquery-talk] not sure if I should laugh with big tears or cry with big tears...:-)))))
Ihe Onwuka
- [xquery-talk] not sure if I should laugh with big tears or cry with big tears...:-)))))
Ihe Onwuka
- [xquery-talk] not sure if I should laugh with big tears or cry with big tears...:-)))))
daniela florescu
- [xquery-talk] not sure if I should laugh with big tears or cry with big tears...:-)))))
Ihe Onwuka
- [xquery-talk] not sure if I should laugh with big tears or cry with big tears...:-)))))
daniela florescu
- [xquery-talk] not sure if I should laugh with big tears or cry with big tears...:-)))))
Ihe Onwuka
- [xquery-talk] not sure if I should laugh with big tears or cry with big tears...:-)))))
daniela florescu
- [xquery-talk] not sure if I should laugh with big tears or cry with big tears...:-)))))
Ihe Onwuka
- [xquery-talk] not sure if I should laugh with big tears or cry with big tears...:-)))))
Ihe Onwuka
- [xquery-talk] not sure if I should laugh with big tears or cry with big tears...:-)))))
Dan Muresan
- [xquery-talk] not sure if I should laugh with big tears or cry with big tears...:-)))))
Ihe Onwuka
- [xquery-talk] parsing xml fragments
William Candillon
- [xquery-talk] parsing xml fragments
William Candillon
- [xquery-talk] parsing xml fragments
Leo Studer
- [xquery-talk] parsing xml fragments
Leo Studer
- [xquery-talk] parsing xml fragments
Leo Studer
- [xquery-talk] parsing xml fragments
Leo Studer
- [xquery-talk] parsing xml fragments
David Carlisle
- [xquery-talk] parsing xml fragments
Leo Studer
- [xquery-talk] Sequence comprehension WAS: SQL vs. XQuery (aka FOR vs FROM and RETURn vs. SELECT)
daniela florescu
- [xquery-talk] Sequence comprehension WAS: SQL vs. XQuery (aka FOR vs FROM and RETURn vs. SELECT)
Pavel Minaev
- [xquery-talk] Sequence comprehension WAS: SQL vs. XQuery (aka FOR vs FROM and RETURn vs. SELECT)
daniela florescu
- [xquery-talk] Sequence comprehension WAS: SQL vs. XQuery (aka FOR vs FROM and RETURn vs. SELECT)
daniela florescu
- [xquery-talk] Sequence comprehension WAS: SQL vs. XQuery (aka FOR vs FROM and RETURn vs. SELECT)
daniela florescu
- [xquery-talk] Sequence comprehension WAS: SQL vs. XQuery (aka FOR vs FROM and RETURn vs. SELECT)
Pavel Minaev
- [xquery-talk] Sequence comprehension WAS: SQL vs. XQuery (aka FOR vs FROM and RETURn vs. SELECT)
daniela florescu
- [xquery-talk] Sequence comprehension WAS: SQL vs. XQuery (aka FOR vs FROM and RETURn vs. SELECT)
daniela florescu
- [xquery-talk] Sequence comprehension WAS: SQL vs. XQuery (aka FOR vs FROM and RETURn vs. SELECT)
Pavel Minaev
- [xquery-talk] Sequence comprehension WAS: SQL vs. XQuery (aka FOR vs FROM and RETURn vs. SELECT)
Pavel Minaev
- [xquery-talk] Sequence comprehension WAS: SQL vs. XQuery (aka FOR vs FROM and RETURn vs. SELECT)
daniela florescu
- [xquery-talk] Sequence comprehension WAS: SQL vs. XQuery (aka FOR vs FROM and RETURn vs. SELECT)
Pavel Minaev
- [xquery-talk] Smiley comments
Ihe Onwuka
- [xquery-talk] Smiley comments
Joe Wicentowski
- [xquery-talk] Smiley comments
Adam Retter
- [xquery-talk] Smiley comments
Ihe Onwuka
- [xquery-talk] Smiley comments
Michael Kay
- [xquery-talk] SQL vs. XQuery (aka FOR vs FROM and RETURn vs. SELECT)
daniela florescu
- [xquery-talk] SQL vs. XQuery (aka FOR vs FROM and RETURn vs. SELECT)
daniela florescu
- [xquery-talk] SQL vs. XQuery (aka FOR vs FROM and RETURn vs. SELECT)
Pavel Minaev
- [xquery-talk] the market of XQuery
daniela florescu
- [xquery-talk] the market of XQuery
daniela florescu
- [xquery-talk] the market of XQuery
Michael Kay
- [xquery-talk] the stupidity of using SQL as a query language for JSON
daniela florescu
- [xquery-talk] the stupidity of using SQL as a query language for JSON
Michael Kay
- [xquery-talk] the stupidity of using SQL as a query language for JSON
Ihe Onwuka
- [xquery-talk] the stupidity of using SQL as a query language for JSON
daniela florescu
- [xquery-talk] the stupidity of using SQL as a query language for JSON
Michael Kay
- [xquery-talk] the stupidity of using SQL as a query language for JSON
Michael Kay
- [xquery-talk] the stupidity of using SQL as a query language for JSON
daniela florescu
- [xquery-talk] the stupidity of using SQL as a query language for JSON
Ihe Onwuka
- [xquery-talk] the stupidity of using SQL as a query language for JSON
daniela florescu
- [xquery-talk] the stupidity of using SQL as a query language for JSON
daniela florescu
- [xquery-talk] the stupidity of using SQL as a query language for JSON
daniela florescu
- [xquery-talk] the stupidity of using SQL as a query language for JSON
Michael Kay
- [xquery-talk] the stupidity of using SQL as a query language for JSON
daniela florescu
- [xquery-talk] the stupidity of using SQL as a query language for JSON
Ihe Onwuka
- [xquery-talk] the stupidity of using SQL as a query language for JSON
daniela florescu
- [xquery-talk] the stupidity of using SQL as a query language for JSON
Michael Kay
- [xquery-talk] What's wrong with the name "XQuery" WAS: SQL vs. XQuery (aka FOR vs FROM and RETURn vs. SELECT)
daniela florescu
- [xquery-talk] what is jsoniq !?
daniela florescu
- [xquery-talk] what is jsoniq !?
daniela florescu
- [xquery-talk] what is jsoniq !?
Ihe Onwuka
- [xquery-talk] worries about the future of JSON query processing
daniela florescu
- [xquery-talk] xquery 3.1 wishlist
W.S. Hager
- [xquery-talk] xquery 3.1 wishlist
Michael Kay
- [xquery-talk] xquery 3.1 wishlist
W.S. Hager
- [xquery-talk] xquery 3.1 wishlist
W.S. Hager
- [xquery-talk] xquery 3.1 wishlist
Michael Kay
- [xquery-talk] xquery 3.1 wishlist
W.S. Hager
- [xquery-talk] xquery 3.1 wishlist
W.S. Hager
- [xquery-talk] xquery 3.1 wishlist
Michael Kay
- [xquery-talk] xquery 3.1 wishlist
Christian Grün
- [xquery-talk] xquery 3.1 wishlist
W.S. Hager
- [xquery-talk] xquery 3.1 wishlist
W.S. Hager
- [xquery-talk] xquery 3.1 wishlist
G. Ken Holman
- [xquery-talk] xquery 3.1 wishlist
W.S. Hager
- [xquery-talk] xquery 3.1 wishlist
David Carlisle
- [xquery-talk] xquery 3.1 wishlist
W.S. Hager
- [xquery-talk] xquery 3.1 wishlist
daniela florescu
- [xquery-talk] xquery 3.1 wishlist
daniela florescu
- [xquery-talk] xquery 3.1 wishlist
daniela florescu
- [xquery-talk] xquery 3.1 wishlist
W.S. Hager
- [xquery-talk] xquery 3.1 wishlist
David Carlisle
- [xquery-talk] xquery 3.1 wishlist
Per Bothner
- [xquery-talk] xquery 3.1 wishlist
daniela florescu
- [xquery-talk] xquery 3.1 wishlist
daniela florescu
- [xquery-talk] xquery 3.1 wishlist
daniela florescu
- [xquery-talk] xquery 3.1 wishlist
W.S. Hager
- [xquery-talk] xquery 3.1 wishlist
W.S. Hager
- [xquery-talk] xquery 3.1 wishlist
daniela florescu
- [xquery-talk] xquery 3.1 wishlist
W.S. Hager
- [xquery-talk] xquery 3.1 wishlist
W.S. Hager
- [xquery-talk] xquery 3.1 wishlist
daniela florescu
- [xquery-talk] xquery 3.1 wishlist
daniela florescu
- [xquery-talk] xquery 3.1 wishlist
Adam Retter
- [xquery-talk] xquery 3.1 wishlist
Christian Grün
- [xquery-talk] xquery 3.1 wishlist
W.S. Hager
- [xquery-talk] xquery 3.1 wishlist
W.S. Hager
- [xquery-talk] xquery 3.1 wishlist
Christian Grün
- [xquery-talk] xquery 3.1 wishlist
Adam Retter
- [xquery-talk] xquery 3.1 wishlist
Michael Kay
- [xquery-talk] xquery 3.1 wishlist
W.S. Hager
- [xquery-talk] xquery 3.1 wishlist
Adam Retter
Last message date:
Sun Jun 28 12:07:43 PDT 2015
Archived on: Sun Jun 28 12:07:56 PDT 2015
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